Circular Berlin

Circular Berlin e.V. is a non-profit organization accelerating Berlin’s transition towards a circular city. It is developing the local circular economy agenda and its implementation, through research, community-building and practical programmes. The team includes experts in strategy, consulting, academia, systems research, industrial and digital design, and material science to tackle the circular economy's cross-disciplinary aspects. Circular Berlin covers the areas of built environment & urban strategy, product & material design, food & biomass and textile & fashion.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Circular Berlin works as local catalizator for piloting circular system solutions in our Berlin urban ecosystem. They will work on providing data and information on existing measures and initiatives in Berlin and will contribute to the consumer side’s analysis. Further, they will contribute to pilot definition within the joint design phase.

Circular Berlin is also involved in tasks such as the implementation of the defined pilot projects in Berlin within the defined focus area “towards increased Reuse, Repair and Repurpose rate”. They also will provide data of their piloting.


Circle Economy Foundation
