Department de Territori, Habitatge
i Transició Ecològica

The Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition has responsibilities regarding environment and sustainability in Catalonia in areas such as atmosphere, climate change, environmental assessment, education and sustainability, business and sustainable production, natural heritage and biodiversity, water or waste, among others. The Government adopted the Roadmap for Circular Economy in Catalonia 2030 and its first Action Plan 2024-2026 in January this year and has a Circular Economy Observatory since 2018.

Catalonia has a strong history in textile industry and stands out for its big potential for using textile waste, this is why, taking into account the new regulatory context regarding textile waste, the department boosted the Circular Fashion Agreement, a voluntary initiative formalised in 2022 that gathers more than 100 stakeholders across the whole textile value chain and that has established concrete targets regarding textile waste reduction, waste collection, reuse rates and recycled content of textile products by 2024.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, the Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition participates as a public authority, being Catalonia one of the 4EU territories in which demonstration will take place. They will provide data and information about existing actions and initiatives and will contribute to consumer side’s analysis and pilot definition. The Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition will be piloting in Catalonia and will participate in the joint assessment of the pilots.

The Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition will be one of the data providers following piloting. Finally they will contribute to replication and networking activities as well as to dissemination and communication activities. In this sense, the Circular Fashion Agreement will be a key driver, since it implies the main textile stakeholders in Catalonia.




