Alia Servizi Ambientali Spa

Alia Servizi Ambientali S.p.A. is an integrated urban waste cycle management company in Central Tuscany.
It provides environmental services in 58 municipalities between the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia, for around 1.5 million inhabitants, taking care of the communities and the environment, ensuring cleanliness, decorum of the territories, sustainable waste management through the development of a self-sufficient plant system.

The management of services takes the form of a constant commitment to the growth of separate waste collection and the creation of industrial recovery and recycling chains, with a view to a true circular economy. Last January 26, 2023, Alia officially established, through a merger, the first Multiutility of local services, constituting an integrated player in the environment, water cycle and energy sectors: a project in full development thanks to the involvement of new regional entities and not only.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Alia Servizi Ambientali S.p.A in addition to being involved in the administrative-management part of the project, is involved in the automatic selection activities, in particular by providing the materials necessary for the experimental tests useful for monitoring the quality of separated waste. Alia will also perform s-LCA and support NTT on replication and exploitation of results and business model. Finally, Alia will participate in the communication and dissemination of project data.




Circle Economy Foundation