
Axel’One is the French collaborative innovation platform in the Chemistry and Environment sector created in 2011 and dedicated to smart processes and innovative materials. Located in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, in France, Axel’One is an independent non-profit (French law 1901, private and public partnership) whose main missions are to provide shared facilities, tools and R&D services for collaborative research and development projects.

In 2024, Axel’One hosts around 20 SMEs and provides its services to 50 collaborative projects representing more than 250 people located on the platform.
The platform offers access to 40 M€ shared tools from fundamental research to pre-industrial stage (from TRL 3 to 7) in the field of advanced materials and polymers, smart processes, on-line analysis,
digital solution, industrial chemistry, processes and catalysis. Its activities support industrial companies from various sectors, including chemistry, textile & composite, recycling, water treatment, and energy.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Axel'One, the project coordinator oversees the optimization and scaling up of PET chemical recycling processes. Their expertise in utilizing online analysis tools ensures efficiency and sustainability, fostering collaboration to drive innovation.

Through their efforts, waste PET is repurposed into valuable resources, aligning with the principles of a circular economy and paving the way for a more sustainable future.


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