
Techtera is the Innovation Cluster for the French Textile Industry.
Their main objective is to boost the competitiveness of their members, a network of 282 members (companies, research labs/technical centers, universities/schools...), through collaborative innovation.

Techtera focuses on three strategic areas:

  • Bio-based and Circular Economy

  • Intelligent and High-Performance Materials

  • Digitalization in Manufacturing Processes (Industry 4.0)

Techtera offers a wide range of services to foster innovation, including technological monitoring, presenting innovative concepts, managing innovation hubs and working groups, forming consortia, project engineering, finding funding opportunities, disseminating results, and many more.
In terms of supporting economic and international development, Techtera organizes technological and commercial missions, facilitates collective spaces at international trade fairs, conducts market studies, creates networking and business opportunities, and hosts collaborative projects through TECHTERAFAB.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Techtera is leading the development and dissemination of the economic viability assessment tool. The main objective of this tool is to assess minimum viable selling prices at each stage of the value chain, thus establishing sustainable and viable value chains.

The process begins with writing the specifications of the tool and defining the key user profiles and critical data to be collected.
Once developed, the tool will be deployed through the four SOLSTICE project hubs, ensuring comprehensive coverage and impact. In addition, Techtera is leading efforts to map cities and regions to replicate and leverage.

Techtera is also managing the Stakeholder Advisory Board, ensuring continuous engagement and feedback from key stakeholders.


Spin-PET s.r.l.


TEXFOR - Confederación de la Industria Textil