TEXFOR - Confederación de la Industria Textil

The Confederación de la Industria Textil – Texfor, is the reference textile association in Spain grouping companies of the whole textile value chain, from yarns to fabrics including accessories, finishing processes, printing and dying for the apparel industry, home textiles and technical/industrial applications. The organization’s mission is to serve associated companies and textile sector, giving them optimal solutions to become competitive in the global market, based in Texfor’s specialization, experience and expertise.

They are focused in three main pillars, Research and Innovation, Markets and Statistics and Sustainability and Circular Economy and a transversal area, training and skills. With a broad national and international textile network, they are a meeting point for the textile ecosystem, a space to create synergies and enhance cooperation.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Texfor will be present on the definition of the pilot ideas to stablish a good method for monitoring and evaluating the different region pilots.
Texfor will lead this task to carry out a joint assessment of the 4 pilots based on the methodology and measure progress during and after the pilot.

In the Integration and sustainability assessment, Texfor will give support with the integration of findings-circularity assessment focused on the results of the different pilots and our experience acquired in our organization. Texfor will also help with the definition of drivers for the Social Impact Assessment, related to textile industry stakeholders and to define and distribute customised surveys.

They will work on identifying potential replication opportunities in different areas or sectors thanks to participation in different initiatives and making research through our network. In this way, Texfor will try to create synergies for replication and doing Clustering and finally will support NTT partner on the definition and implementation of the Exploitation plan.

Texfor, together with the ETP will define and develop PEDR defining activities that will run during all project to assure the maximum dissemination of results, awareness and exploitation of results. Texfor will also be involved in the project promotion channels, organization of events to publicize SOLSTICE’s goals.
Finally, Texfor will work on Data Management in everything for which it is required.




Textile ETP