Next Technology Tecnotessile

NTT is a private non-profit research company established in Prato (Italy) since 1972. NTT represents a reference point for research and technological innovation in the textile sector in Italy. The company is actively involved in research and demonstration projects on sustainability and circular economy in textile sector, to bring innovation in textile processes and products at regional, national and European level.

It provides services to companies regarding prototyping machines and product innovation, in particular smart textiles and their innovative function (protective and comfort clothing, cosmetic textiles, electromagnetic waves shielding and innovative finishing treatments). NTT has the CEQ division, laboratory of quality and excellence equipped with instruments and devices for testing and validation of products of different sectors. NTT has also equipment and technologies for textile waste automatic sorting, thermo-chemical treatment for elastane fiber separation from bicomponent textiles, plasma treatment, electron-beam treatment and textile mechanical recycling. NTT is also supporting textile value chain by offering consultancy services to companies for environmental assessment of different processes (LCA,LCC, s-LCA) and measurement of circularity.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, NTT is involved in the sorting activities, especially on monitoring of sorted waste quality. NTT is task leader on EL removal technology and upcycling of EL-containing post-consumer wastes. NTT is the leader on replication and exploitation of results and business model. NTT will also perform s-LCA.


Municipality of Prato
