
Polymeris is the competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics, and composites. Since its creation in 2005, it draws on 15 years' expertise and experience to support companies, providing in-depth knowledge of the techniques and markets of tomorrow.
It acts as a benchmark for innovation in the rubber, plastic and composite sectors, working in France and internationally to promote a dynamic, innovative industry, via a network of major public and private players at regional, national and European level. Polymeris provides services to all manufacturers, helping them to develop new R&D projects, drive and promote innovation, and expand their international operations.

Their role in SOLSTICE

Within SOLSTICE, Polymeris will contribute to the focus groups set up by CE on the local context, challenges and opportunities for circular economy interventions in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region. Polymeris will provide data for the assessment of socio-economic impact of the 4R approaches.
It most important role in SOLSTICE project they will contribute to identify and liasie with potential replication territories. Then, Polymeris will study how the project's results could be transfered to other applications and polymer value-chains, relying on its strong network of clusters and partnerships linked to polymers in Europe and beyond. They will also contribute to the clustering activities with other EU intiatives and to the exploitations of results and business plans. Polymeris will also support the dissemination, communication, outreach and data mangement activities of the project.



